Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Part of the Job I Wouldn't Want

1:30-2:30 p.m.
I go meet with Vice President for Enrollment Lisa Meyer and Director of Admission Kieron Miller to make a difficult admissions decision. They present me with two pretend cases of students whose parents have connections to the College, but whose academic records aren’t quite what we would like. One of the students isn’t so bad, his essay is fine and he seems to have potential. I decide to let him in. The other has a low GPA, low SAT scores and a truly horrible essay. I decide that he is not prepared for college level work and it would be unfair to him to admit him. I then have to call someone pretending to be the student’s parent and explain this to them. I would not want to have this conversation for real.

I get back to my office early, so I write a quick note to our newly hired Dean of Faculty, Charlotte Borst. I am sending her a copy of a recent QC, which contained and article about her. When I finish the note I close the note card and realize that I have written the note upside down. I recopy the note, the right way this time.

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